Quick Summary to Save You Time
Temporal Food Order Dramatically Enhances Bioenergetic Response to Meals: Eat Fiber/Veggies first, THEN Protein, THEN Carbs to control post-meal glucose AND insulin to help you feel your best. (Note: fat can be included with veggies (ie. olive oil dressing, for example) and/or protein (ie. fatty fish, for example).
Remember, action is power. Act on this at your next meal! There is no need to change anything else to get positive results. Simply eat fiber(10g dextrin)/veggies, then protein, then carbs, then feel amazing.
Read on to see the evidence from healthy human studies!
We recently discussed:
1. Central Clock Entrainment: Get 480nm blue light first thing in the morning at the same time every morning and go to bed at the same time every night seven days per week. (This is the most important enhancement currently known to science!)
2. Peripheral Clock Entrainment: Eat meals at the same time every day. Eat breakfast (it really is the most important meal of the day in the scientific literature) early and have an eating window between 4 and 12 hours long (ie. ‘not-eating’ is just as important as eating).
3. Microbiome Clock Entrainment: Take 10g of dextrin at each meal.
4. Spaced Generation Learning: Use this cutting edge memory technique to imprint these ideas into to your long term memory by generating flashcard answers daily. More precisely…predict the future by modeling the past by daily generating answers to flashcards on a spaced repetition schedule by generating spatio-temporal reference frames by hand drawing while speaking your logic out loud. (haha Eloquent. lol)
My goal for all of these enhancements is to feel my best throughout every 24 hour period by using light to optimize time to sync up every mitochondrion in every cell of my body with every microbe in my microbiome. (Note: mitochondria actually communicate with each other (and with the nucleus of the cell) and form mitochondrial ‘organelle networks’ with each other in which they work together as a single unit…mind-blowingly fascinating! These mitochondrial networks are just as important as neuronal networks in the brain imo).

Since we’re on the topic of fascinating mitochondrial ideas, Nick Lane talks about his mitochondrial theory of consciousness in his new book, ‘Transformer’, linked here: https://www.lostfalco.com/books/
Anyway, today we will continue our discussion of optimizing spacetime by looking at the most up to date science around ‘food ordering’ (ie. Does the sequence in which we eat fiber, proteins, lipids, and carbs matter?)
The short answer is yes. It matters and it matters a lot!
Let’s start with a few fundamental ideas first and then dive into the studies on healthy humans (there are a ton of human diabetic studies as well. And while we’re on the subject of studies, remember my mantra: Data Over Dogma (aka The Data IS Dogma); IF the data changes, THEN I change. (full stop)).
Fundamental Assumption: Time is the most fundamental substance.
Inference from Fundamental Assumption: Therefore, IF optimize time, THEN optimize life. (or get closer to optimization, at least)
Temporal ordering (ie. sequencing) is a major aspect of time.
Temporal Food Ordering: Eat Fiber/Veggies first, THEN Protein, THEN Carbs to control post-meal glucose and insulin. (Note: fat can be included with veggies (ie. olive oil dressing, for example) and/or protein (ie. fatty fish, for example).
Reason for Controlling Glucose/Insulin: IF control insulin/glucose, THEN control energy input into cells/mitochondria, THEN enhance everything the body does, THEN enjoy an amazing life!
What is your evidence for this ‘temporal food ordering’ business, Mr. Falco?
My own wishful thinking and warm fuzzy feelings I get in my…oh wait, nevermind.
It’s actually these scientific studies in healthy humans. Give in to the power of the studies…

Healthy Human Studies
1. Study Title: ‘Food order and glucose excursion in Indian adults with normal and overweight/obese Body Mass Index: A randomised crossover pilot trial’
Lostfalco Logical Summary: IF protein first AND carb last, THEN decrease post-meal glucose response.
Study Conclusion: “…consuming food in the protein first/carbohydrate last order had the biggest effect in reducing PPG [postprandial glucose] excursion.”
2. Study Title: ‘Postprandial glucose, insulin and incretin responses differ by test meal macronutrient ingestion sequence (PATTERN study)’
Full Text Link: https://www.uninut.org/images/material_ponentes/51/2/Postprandial_glucose_insulin_and_incretin_responses.pdf
Lostfalco Logical Summary: IF (Vegetable-Meat-Rice), THEN increase GLP-1, THEN lower glycemic response.
Study Conclusion: “Food macronutrient intake sequence can considerably influence its glycemic, insulinemic and incretin responses. V-M-R food intake sequence attenuates the glycemic response to a greater degree with accentuated GLP-1 stimulation without any increased demand for insulin. The sequence of food intake has great potential as a novel and simple behavioral strategy to modulate glycemic response in healthy adults.”
3. Study Title: “Consuming Carbohydrates after Meat or Vegetables Lowers Postprandial Excursions of Glucose and Insulin in Nondiabetic Subjects”
Full Text Link: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jnsv/64/5/64_316/_pdf
Lostfalco Logical Summary: IF (veggie-meat-carb), THEN (lower post-meal glucose AND lower post-meal insulin).
Study Conclusion: “We found that consuming carbohydrates at the end of the meal results in significantly lower serum glucose levels 30 min after ingestion and a lower glucose AUC at 0–120 min than those of other consumption orders. Furthermore, insulin responses at 30 min and insulin AUC at 0–120 min were lowest when carbohydrates were consumed at the end (VMC). These findings suggested that meals with the same contents but with carbohydrates consumed at the end (VMC) can control postprandial glucose levels and limit the amount of insulin necessary to control glucose levels.”
Q and A
Q: Do you need a break between consumption of nutrient groups? (ie. Should you eat fiber/veggies, take 5 min break, eat protein, take 5 min break, eat carbs, etc. (It’s like ‘The 20/10 Method’ for food consumption. lol)
A: This is not necessary. Some studies used no-food intervals (ie. 10min breaks or 15min breaks) but other studies showed good effects with simply eating veggies first (with olive oil usually), then protein, then carbs with no break in between. Of course, feel free to eat fiber/veggies/protein then take a 10min break and eat carbs after that if you want to test it out. However, this is not required in the literature.
Q: How long should my meal last?
A: Most of the studies had meal times lasting between 15 to 30 min. I’d say a 30min meal is a reasonable time frame.
Q: Does 10g of dextrin at the beginning of each meal enhance these effects?
A: Yes!
Q: Is Lostfalco insane?
A: Absolutely.
Food sequencing has significant, positive effects on bioenergetic response in healthy humans. The best sequence is as follows: eat fiber/veggies first, then protein, then carbohydrates. This sequence will enhance satiety to prevent overeating and optimize blood glucose levels and insulin signaling.
Take 10g of the dextrin linked here before each meal as a simple, affordable way to get these results:
Happy sequence eating!
Upcoming posts
In the spirit of incrementalism, I’ve been incrementally showing you guys ‘Lostfalco’s Optimization Template’. We are slowly building it piece by piece; increment by increment. This template is a general framework that will allow you to create your own ‘variation on a theme’ (that’s what a template is for after all!). The template will be the theme (ie. what I do) and you can use it as an inspiration to create your own variation that works best for you. Think of it as a ‘Day Frame’ that will allow you to organize your life around the most fundamental enhancements while still having time to enjoy your life! The point is NOT to shoot light at your intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells, it’s to enjoy every moment of this fleeting, temporal gift we call life. Alternately stated, the goal of life is NOT the framework, the goal of the framework is LIFE. Live it!
-Order is freedom.
-Constraints are wings.
-Constrained motion IS directed motion IS power.
-Data Over Dogma
-Simpler. Smaller. More Fundamental.
Blue Light: https://www.lostfalco.com/devices/
Dextrin: https://www.lostfalco.com/supplements/
Nick Lane’s ‘Transformer’: https://www.lostfalco.com/books/
Create Flashcards: https://apps.ankiweb.net/
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