Goal: My Ideal Life
Means: B3 – Perfect synchronization of Brain, Body, and Biome
Method: A4 – Aim, Act, Attend, Adjust

First person conscious mental states are the starting point for everything. However, I believe the external world exists.
Spacetime is the most fundamental substance. Therefore, mastering spacetime will increase my probability of mastering my life. Master light, master time, master life.
All reality is physical (ie. there are no gods, spirits, demons, angels, non-physical monsters, etc; mental states, conscious states, beliefs, desires, etc are physical). Therefore, mastering my physical reality IS what it means to master myself. Hence, focus on physical realities. (ie. light, oxygen, water, food, energy, information, elements, etc.)
The GREATEST power is power over ONESELF.
Always think from a first person perspective (ie. imagine the beginning of the universe from a first person perspective and NOT from a third person perspective. A third person perspective ASSUMES waayyy too much and will lead you intellectually astray). We are IN the universe comparing things WITHIN the universe. NEVER assume omniscience or a stance outside spacetime. Our human categories of thought were created within the universe and cannot be extrapolated outside of it. In fact, ‘outside’ the universe doesn’t mean anything. It is a squared circle; it is one hand clapping.
ALL comparisons/measurements are made from inside the universe using other things inside the universe.
Constraints are freedom.
Take sleep as a given.
Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time EVERY day, 7 days per week.
‘Weeks’ are arbitrary and made up. ‘Months’ are based on lunar cycles which do not affect us that much. Days (approx 24 hours, Earth’s rotation on its 23.5° axis) and years (Earth’s orbit around the sun) are physical, objective, measurable and non-arbitrary and we evolved with their existence already in place (Sun is 4.6 billion years old, Earth is 4.5 billion years old, Microbes are 4 billion years old, and Humans are 300,000 years old…the external environment (light, atmosphere, elements, microbes, etc) came first). I evolved around THEM and from them. Take this as a given and learn from it. ‘Weekends’ don’t exist except as a social construct. Create a 24 hour pattern that you can repeat EVERY day of the YEAR.
The secret to life the universe and everything is NOT 42…it’s 24. Master every 24 hour cycle.
Other people fit in around MY frame for me. My life is MINE and their life is theirs. They can fit into my frame or not. Up to them based on their own frame and their own desires.
Eat meals at the same time every day. Use Sequence Eating.
Exercise at the same time every day.
‘Do, Not-Do Duality’ – Not doing X is just as important as doing X.
Not-awake is just as important as awake.
Not-eating is just as important as eating.
Not-exercising is just as important as exercising.
Not-learning is just as important as learning.
Not-scheduled time is just as important as scheduled time.
Think in action cardinality and action ordinality.
‘The Plus-One Threshold’ – if you slightly increment (+1) multiple areas over time so that you are eventually incrementing MANY simultaneously, THEN you will eventually reach a threshold that, once crossed, will take you to a new level previously unavailable to you. Think of the strong nuclear force overcoming electromagnetism at short distances.
I am constantly being broken down and built back up. I am a homeostatic star constantly balancing the inward crush of gravity with the outward explosive force of nuclear fusion. Therefore, balancing the opposing forces of collapse and expansion is essential.
There are master inflection points such that IF ONE, THEN ALL…ie. IF you take care of ONE thing, THEN it will take care of ALL things. Always search assiduously for such points.
Practice radical simplification.
Focus ALL on ONE.
Simpler, Smaller, More Fundamental
I must constantly reorder myself to fight the disordered pull of entropy. Since I am constantly rebuilding I MUST give my body the best energy to rebuild and the best raw materials to rebuild with.
The brain is a prediction engine. The brain changes itself in light of the FREQUENCY of past events in order to prepare itself to encounter those events in the future. It is using it’s precious, scarce energy to build a predictive model of the world to guide future action outputs at the whole organism level.
The body is designed for survival movements and reproductive movements…it is designed for movement/output. Use this to your advantage by increasing your outputs/actions.
Always focus on the simplest possible actions. (see Turing)
The most fundamental area of human thought is discrete mathematics. Master the fundamentals of the most fundamental thing.
Always search for positive feedback loops. Use energy to create energy. Use intelligence to create intelligence. Use resources to create resources. Use money to create money.
Invest in yourself, master yourself…and you will have the power to master anything.
Be logical in thought and ordered in action.
Be rational. Always.
Output is king. Always focus on what you are outputting (ie. words, drawings, writings, movements, etc.)
Affect the area around you like a charged particle.
Like the brain, the body is also a prediction engine. The body changes itself in light of the frequency of past events. Frequent past cardio events change the cardiovascular system to prepare to encounter similar future cardio events AND frequent past weight training events change the muscular system (by growing bigger muscles) to prepare for future similar weight training events. It’s prediction all the way down. Thus, prediction is a key to biological success and deserves intense focus.
The brain, body, and biome are a superorganism of massively interconnected communication in a rhythmic fashion.
Exerkines are the body, brain and biome communicating with each other with the purpose of making adjustments to anticipate the future.
The reported ‘mind-muscle connection’ is very possibly exerkine related. ‘Thinking’ about the muscle might release neurokines that affect muscle growth and repair.
Always increment.
Think in the BROADEST possible frames (ex. the diameter of the universe) and the NARROWEST possible frames (ex. the Planck length)…and always frame middle events within those two extremes.
Free will does not exist. Therefore, be careful when you judge.
99.999% of everything your brain does is subconscious. NEVER forget that.
Attempt to change no one except yourself.
Make every possible subconscious assumption conscious.
Beware of subconscious, unconsidered mental anchor points. Make ALL your anchors/reference points explicit.
Data Is Dogma. I always reserve the right to change any and ALL beliefs in light of new data. My starting point is DIRECT observation NOT theoretical assumption. Either make the direct observation myself or learn from the person who made the direct observation. Make the ‘game of telephone’ have as few connections as possible. IF it contradicts experiment, THEN it’s wrong.
Our Enhancements So Far:
1. Sync Your Central Clock with Bright Light Therapy: Go to bed at the same time every day and wake up at the same time every day. Do 30 minutes of bright light therapy first thing in the morning to sync your master circadian clock. Resync your master circadian clock and enhance melatonin secretion with 30 minutes of midday bright light therapy. Click here for my recommended bright light device. http://www.lostfalco…re-to-buy-them/
2. Sync Your Microbiome Clock with Dextrin: Eat fiber at the beginning of each meal to sync your microbiome clock. Click here to try dextrin. https://www.lostfalco.com/supplements/
3. Sync Your Peripheral Clock with Meal Timing and Exercise Timing (Hex Bar, Pull Up Bar, Fit Desk): Eat at the same times each day within an 8 to 12 hour window and exercise for 30 min (remember the exerkines!) at the same time every day. Click here for simple, affordable devices you can use at home. https://www.lostfalco.com/devices/
4. Use ‘Sequence Eating’ to Control Glycemic Response: Eat Fiber/Veggies first THEN Protein THEN Carbs (eat fat with fiber and/or protein) https://www.lostfalco.com/supplements/
Our Reference Frame

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