So, I’ve been testing out a simple neuroinflammation stack for the past couple of weeks and the results have been nothing less than profound.
As many of you know, it takes quite a bit to get added to my short list of substances (LLLT, intranasal insulin, galantamine, etc.) but a new powerhouse has earned its place among the greats.
What is this substance, you may ask?
I booty what!?!
Ibudilast is a prescription medication (for asthma) that has been available in Japan for over 20 years, easily crosses the blood brain barrier, and primarily works by inhibiting excessive microglia (the primary immune cells of the CNS) activation.
The Stack
As many of you will remember, I’ve talked extensively about THE MASTER REGULATOR of inflammation in the body: the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway.
My favorite activator of this pathway is galantamine which, combined with ibudilast, gives me an absurd amount of clear-headed focus for the entire day.
For you mathematicians out there: galantamine + ibudilast = holy crap I feel good.
How does it work?
Tune back in this Friday (Apr 22) and I will explain why there is such a profound synergy between these two substances.
In the meantime, check out this free full text article (if you don’t want to wait for my busy ass!) for a little hint into the mechanisms.
I’ll see you guys back here in a few days!
Same Falco time, same Falco channel.
LF out. (mic drop)
God, I’m a dork. ha
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