Hello my friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend.
I hope you guys are as excited as I am that we have THE perfect starting point for ALL future enhancements.
If we can master the upstream then literally EVERYTHING downstream will have an incredible probability of taking care of itself.
To illustrate this fact let me quote in full a section from Dr. Satchin Panda’s (the revolutionary discoverer of melanopsin in the retina and Salk Institute Biology Professor) fantastic book ‘The Circadian Code’…(linked here https://www.lostfalco.com/books )
“SCN: The Master Clock – Scientists knew that cells communicated with each other, but we wondered if our internal clocks communicated from organ to organ. Scientists found a small cluster of cells that function as a master clock—just like atomic clocks are the master clocks for all other clocks in the world. These cells, collectively known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN, are strategically located at the hypothalamus, the center of the base of the brain, which houses the command centers for hunger, satiety, sleep, fluid balance, the stress response, and more. The 20,000 cells that make up the SCN are indirectly connected to the pituitary gland, which produces growth hormone; the adrenal glands, which release stress hormones; the thyroid gland, which produces thyroid hormones; and the gonads, which produce reproductive hormones. The SCN is also indirectly connected to the pineal gland, which produces the sleep hormone melatonin.
Panda, Satchin. The Circadian Code (p. 31). Harmony/Rodale. Kindle Edition.”
Here’s what it looks like drawn out…
As you can see, we have at our fingertips the master controller of everything the body does.
What is so incredible to me is that we have only 10,000 ipRGCs in the retina and 20,000 cells in the SCN that thereby give us control over all 68 trillion cells of the human super-organism.
Pretty damn amazing.
In light of this knowledge and given my desire to be in control of my 68 trillion cells, I’ve created my own ‘Day Frame’ that I organize my life around using these master regulators of light, food, exercise, and temperature (especially light!).
Some of these items I’ve justified scientifically for you guys in previous posts while others I have yet to talk about.
Suffice it to say, I have a reason for everything I do and every decision I make.
Back of the envelope cost-benefit analyses are always carried out and decisions are made to best optimize my life in light of current circumstances (ie. I would choose an 8 or 10 hour eating window in an ideal world).
Of course, trial and error experimentation informed by the latest science combined with iterative incremental improvement are a must.
Think of my ‘Day Frame’ as a template you can use to create your own Day Frame that works for you.
None of us are exactly the same and there will inevitably be variations from person to person.
With that said, here’s what I’m doing right now. This is the foundation upon which all other enhancements and all Circadian Supplementation must take place for me.
Take a look…
Lostfalco’s Day Frame
5:00am – First Light: wake up, use restroom, drink 16 to 32 ounces water, bright light lamp for 30 min
5:30am – First Hike/Bike: exercise (cardio Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun; weights Tues, Thur, Sat)
6:00am – First Bite: 12 hour eating window starts; 50% of daily calories consumed at breakfast; high protein = >30g; main staples are fiber/dextrin, kale, fatty fish/oysters, extra virgin olive oil, whole eggs, blueberries
6:00am – First Type: fiber/veggies first, then protein, then carbs (sequence eating)
6:30am – stop eating, 15 min walk (outside in the sun if possible)
6:45 am to 11:30am – no food, snacks or drinks with calories; only water
11:30am – lunch; 30% of daily calories consumed at lunch; sequence eating
12:00pm – stop eating, 15 min walk (outside in the sun if possible)
12:15pm – midday bright light lamp for 30min
12:15pm to 5:30pm – no food, snacks or drinks with calories; only water
5:30pm – dinner; 20% of daily calories consumed at dinner; sequence eating
6:00pm – stop eating; 12 hour eating window closes; no food, snacks or drinks with calories; only water until 6am the following day; 15 minute walk (outside in the sun if possible)
8:00pm – turn AC down to 67°F (19.4°C); dim lights and computer screens for the rest of the evening
10:00pm – lights out, sleeping mask, white noise or air purifier or loud fan, blackout curtains
Anyway, I hope that gives you an idea of the frame I’ve created for myself each day.
It’s amazing how freeing it is to have all of those decisions made ahead of time.
It truly gives my life an amazing rhythmicity to it.
Additionally our brains LOVE patterns and prediction.
This gives my brain a very nice pattern and allows it to have a measure of predictive capacity over the coming day.
There is A LOT of peace in this.
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